Bat Publications - Scientific Papers
Angeles Salles, Emely Loscalzo, Jessica Montoya, Rosa Elena Mendoza, Kevin Michael Boergens, Cynthia Moss. Auditory Processing of Communication Calls in Interacting Bats. iScience (2024).
Angeles Salles and Joshua Neunuebel. What do mammals have to say about the neurobiology of acoustic communication? Mol. Psychol. Neuroethology gateway (2023) (
Melville Wohlgemuth, Angeles Salles, Cynthia Moss. Spatial attention in natural tasks. Mol. Psychol. Neuroethology gateway (2023)
Angeles Salles, Melville Wohlgemuth, Cynthia Moss. Neural coding of 3D spatial location, orientation, and action selection in bats. Trends in Neurosciences. (2022)
Jessica Montoya, Yelim Lee, Angeles Salles. Social Communication in Big Brown Bats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (2022)
Angeles Salles. Bats: Vision or echolocation, why not both? Current Biology (2022)
Angeles Salles, Shirley Marino Lee, Cynthia Moss. Sound evoked Fos-like immunoreactivity in the big brown bat. IBRO Neuroscience Reports (2022)
Angeles Salles. Chatting bats think alike. Learning and Behavior (2022)
Kathryne Allen*, Angeles Salles*, Sangwook Park, Mounya Elhilali, Cynthia F. Moss. Effect of background clutter on neural discrimination in the bat auditory midbrain. Journal of Neurophysiology (2021)
Kathryne Allen*, Jennifer Lawlor*, Angeles Salles, Cynthia F. Moss Orienting our view of the Superior Colliculus: Specializations and general functions. Current Opinion in Neurobiology (2021)
Sangwook Park, Angeles Salles, Kathryne Allen, Cynthia F. Moss, and Mounya Elhilali. Natural statistics as inference principles of auditory tuning in biological and artificial midbrain networks. eNeuro (2021)
Angeles Salles, Clarice Diebold, Cynthia Moss. Bat target tracking strategies for prey interception. Communicative and Integrative Biology (2021) Link
Angeles Salles, Clarice Diebold, Cynthia F. Moss. Echolocating bats accumulate information from acoustic snapshots to predict auditory object motion. PNAS (2020) Link
Jackson Rossborough*, Angeles Salles*, Laura Stidsholt*, Peter Madsen, Cindy Moss, Larry Hoffman. Evidence of in-flight head stabilization behavior in the Egyptian fruit bat. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. (2021)
Clarice Diebold, Angeles Salles, Cynthia F. Moss. Adaptive echolocation and flight behaviors in bats can inspire technology innovations for sonar tracking and interception. Sensors (2020) Link
Angeles Salles, Sangwook Park, Harshavardhan Sundar, Silvio Macias, Mounya Elhilali, Cynthia Moss. Neural response selectivity to natural sounds in the bat midbrain. Neuroscience (2020) Cover article
Angeles Salles, Kirsten Bohn, Cynthia Moss. Auditory communication processing in bats: What we know and where to go. Behavioral Neuroscience (2019) Link
Laura Stidsholt, Mark Johnson, Kristian Beedholm, Lasse Jakobsen, Kathrin Kugler, Signe Brinkløv, Angeles Salles, Cynthia Moss, Peter Madsen. A 2.6-gram sound and movement tag for studying the acoustic scene and kinematics of echolocating bats. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2018) Link
Book Chapter
Angeles Salles, Zaria J George, Iñaky Marin, Rosa Elena Mendoza, R, Jessica Carolina Montoya. Learning, Memory and Teaching | 5050. Bat Neuroethology. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, Third Edition. Elsevier. Edited by Martin Giurfa. 2024.
Angeles Salles & Kirsten Bohn. “Microchiroptera communication” in Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior 2019. Elsevier. Edited by Jennifer Vonk and Todd K. Shackelford. Link
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